How to Avoid Cartesian Explosion while using EF Core

The cartesian explosion is a data loading side effect that can be a serious performance issue. Let's see how to avoid it.

Cartesian Product

Cartesian product is a mathematical description of a multiplication of two sets. When the first set consists of two elements and the second one consists of three elements, the cartesian product result set consists of 6 elements. Each element of the first set is combined with each element of the second set.

{ a1, a2 } x { b1, b2, b3 } = { a1b1, a1b2, a1b3, a2b1, a2b2, a2b3 }

Cartesian Product in EF Core

Let's have a table for Schools, Students, and Courses and create some data for them.

School harvard = new() { Name = "Harvard" };

Course math = new() { Name = "Math" };
Course english = new() { Name = "English" };


Student student1 = new() { Initials = new Initials("Daniel", "Rusnok") };

Student student2 = new() { Initials = new Initials("Rostislav", "Prvok") };

Student student3 = new() { Initials = new Initials("Radomír", "Pivoňka") };  harvard.AddStudent(student3);

await context.SaveChangesAsync();

As you can see, the entity School contains two collections - Students and Courses. By querying DbSet Schools with Includes over navigation collections Students and Courses, we can introduce unwanted multiplication of query results.

await context.Schools.Include(x => x.Students).Include(x => x.Courses).ToListAsync();


Entity Framework Core translated used Includes simply into a LEFT JOINs. Now imagine that school can contain 100 students and 5 courses, and we want to load it all in one query. Logically, the number of needed entities is 106. One for school, a hundred for students, and five for courses, but joining tables causes the resulting data set to consist of 500 rows.

SELECT [s].[Id], [s].[CreatedDate], [s].[Name], [s].[SchoolId], [s0].[Id], [s0].[SchoolId], [s0].[FirstName], [s0].[LastName], [c].[Id], [c].[Description], [c].[Name], [c].[SchoolId]
FROM [Schools] AS [s]
LEFT JOIN [Students] AS [s0] ON [s].[Id] = [s0].[SchoolId]
LEFT JOIN [Courses] AS [c] ON [s].[Id] = [c].[SchoolId]
ORDER BY [s].[Id], [s0].[Id]

This is called Cartesian Explosion and it can be a serious performance issue. Let's see how to avoid it.

Split Queries

Entity Framework Core 5 came with the feature called Split Queries. EF allows you to specify that a given LINQ query should be split into multiple SQL queries. Instead of JOINs, split queries generate an additional SQL query for each included collection navigation.

await context.Schools
    .Include(x => x.Students)
    .Include(x => x.Courses)
SELECT [s].[Id], [s].[CreatedDate], [s].[Name], [s].[SchoolId]
FROM [Schools] AS [s]
ORDER BY [s].[Id]
SELECT [s0].[Id], [s0].[SchoolId], [s0].[FirstName], [s0].[LastName], [s].[Id]
FROM [Schools] AS [s]
INNER JOIN [Students] AS [s0] ON [s].[Id] = [s0].[SchoolId]
ORDER BY [s].[Id]
SELECT [c].[Id], [c].[Description], [c].[Name], [c].[SchoolId], [s].[Id]
FROM [Schools] AS [s]
INNER JOIN [Courses] AS [c] ON [s].[Id] = [c].[SchoolId]
ORDER BY [s].[Id]

The resulting data sets look like this:


Explicit Loading

Or you can always write more code and load data explicitly.

var school = await context.Schools.FirstAsync();
context.Entry(school).Collection(x => x.Students).Load();
context.Entry(school).Collection(x => x.Courses).Load();

Given code results into different SQL statements where EF is using its procedure sp_executesql, but results of those statements are the same as the ones when we used Split Queries.

SELECT TOP(1) [s].[Id], [s].[CreatedDate], [s].[Name], [s].[SchoolId]
FROM [Schools] AS [s]

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [c].[Id], [c].[Description], [c].[Name], [c].[SchoolId]
FROM [Courses] AS [c]
WHERE [c].[SchoolId] = @__get_Item_0',N'@__get_Item_0 uniqueidentifier',@__get_Item_0='E68755AF-160D-4157-87F0-08DA1EB2CF90'

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [s].[Id], [s].[SchoolId], [s].[FirstName], [s].[LastName]
FROM [Students] AS [s]
WHERE [s].[SchoolId] = @__get_Item_0',N'@__get_Item_0 uniqueidentifier',@__get_Item_0='E68755AF-160D-4157-87F0-08DA1EB2CF90'

The resulting data sets look like this:



Try to avoid blindly using Includes in your queries. It can lead to performance issues. Take advantage of EF Core features like Split Queries or Explicit Loading.

If you want a more real-world scenario, take a look at Josh Darnel's blog post.

